Did You Know?

Instructor Licence

The Trainee Licence is issued upon you passing Part 1 and Part 2 of the ADI qualification process and having completed 40 hours Part 3 Training. The trainee licence is issued to gain practical experience in preparation for the Part 3 test and allows you to be legally paid for giving driving instruction.

The trainee licence is valid for SIX months and normally only granted once to a trainee in the two year qualifying period.

The licence must be displayed in left hand corner of the front windscreen when instruction is being given. The licence is your own responsibility. If it is no longer needed for tuition or you have to stop giving tuition, return it to the DSA, if the licence is lost or stolen you MUST inform the police and the DSA. No refunds will be given for any period when the licence is not used.

  • You are only authorised to give instruction for the school whose address is shown on the licence
  • There must be one qualified ADI for every trainee licence holder at the driving school
  • You must receive 40 hours practical training from a qualified ADI
  • It is your responsibility to make sure that you receive training in each of the specified subjects
  • You must not advertise yourself as a fully qualified instructor
  • It is your responsibility to make sure that you receive training in each of the specified subjects
You must abide by one of the following conditions You must receive supervision for 20 percent of all lessons you give from your sponsoring ADI. A record must get kept on form ADI 21S which will be issued with the licence and returned to DSA,


You must receive a minimum additional 20 hours training covering all the specified topics within the first three months or prior to the first attempt at part three. A record must get kept on form ADI 21AT which will be issued with the licence and returned to DSA at the end of the 3 month period. At least 25 percent of the training will be practical training.